Hello, and welcome to my blog!!

I try to update every week even if it's not about photos...so leave a comment if you want.  I'd love to hear what you think!!

04 June 2008

Hello Blog World!! So things have been slowing down a little thank goodness...I have a lot of editing to catch up on and should hopefully be completely on top of things in the next two weeks (fingers crossed)! 

Other than bridals, which are top-secret and unbloggable until after the wedding day, I have been helping out a few friends with weddings...

Last weekend was Robin + Aaron in Dallas, TX with JP Beato III

...they had a really fun group and their reception was on the 48th floor of the Thanksgiving Day Building in downtown Dallas.  You could see for miles and miles...

Oh, and p.s....I got a new car!!

I promise to blog more soon!!